
Now I'll Just Collapse

Remember my by 1 July list?

I finished it. All of it. Every single little item is complete, and has a line neatly through it. The last thing to finish was actually setting up the timeline, a tedious job that required very little in the way of actual thought. Of course, once I was nearing the finish line, I realized I had omitted one item, but since I realized it only a couple of days ago, I'm not adding it to the list. I finished the list; I just have that other thing to do to finish all the planning for 2010-2011.

I forgot to make the read-aloud schedule. Because I don't do the main read-aloud, the Spousal Unit does, I break it down into daily bits. Unfortunately for me, I can't find two of the four books that are scheduled for read-aloud. I know I own them. I just bought one of them a month ago! Yet I can't find either of them. I'm hoping that when the kids cleaned upstairs today, it resulted in them magically appearing. I need to grab the third one from Smrt Mama, but the fourth one is broken down into bits, ready and waiting.


Daisy said...

Hey, my spousal unit does the primary read-aloud also. Nice to pass the buck every now and then.

Awesome that you got your list done. My list is taunting me and I just want to hit it.

BBat50 said...

Now that you have everything on your timeline and planned, would you consider something a little different?

I'm involved with an online homeschool curriculum that is eager to get bloggers to try it (for free) and review it on their blog. Any interest? It's often a summer activity that bloggers get their kids to participate in (BTW, this is meant as a message to you, not as a posted comment. Although if you wanted to publish it, it would be OK).

The curriculum is Time4Learning.com, an online animated interactive K8. Details on free accounts for review:


Smrt Mama said...

I don't even HAVE a list.

This website was designed by Sam Rushing

"A little rebellion every now and then is a good thing." - Thomas Jefferson