
Weekly Report: Week Two

We had a good second week, though it was interrupted somewhat on Thursday by a migraine on my part. Ouch!

This week's reading included Invincible Louisa, the remainder of Abraham Lincoln's World, Clara Barton (from the Childhood of Famous Americans series, this is my mother's copy!), portions of Physics (Basher), and part of The Cartoon Guide to Physics. I'm not sure what chapter Eclectic Girl and her father are reading in Sing Down the Moon, but I know it's ahead of where I expected.

EG finished her grammar for the week, completed steps 18 and 19 in AAS 4, and did a lot of writing. She finished her retelling of "The Doll in the Grass" and did a great job!

In math, EG completed a drill level (yay!), and worked on a few pages in Key to Fractions Book 4. She completed her first Bridge in LoF: Decimals & Percents and finished chapters six through nine.

We fortuitously listened to a podcast about Florence Nightingale this past weekend, and part of EG's reading in SOTW 4 this week mentioned her. (The podcast in question was an old episode of Math Mutation.) Instead of writing a summary this week, she has a poem to memorize ("The Charge of the Light Brigade") and a project on taking medical records for a week.

On Thursday, we had physics lab again. They did three separate activities this week.

No Master's Academy or co-op this week (both begin next week), but activities at the YMCA began, which for EG means stroke clinic on Tuesday and Thursday evenings. As it happened, EG is the only one in the clinic, so she essentially gets private lessons for the cost of group ones! She's also swimming on Wednesday mornings and possibly Saturday mornings, on her own.

Fabulous Boy's YMCA activity is the much-beloved Tumbling Teddies class on Wednesday mornings. He was so excited to go back to class! We worked through two more lessons of OPGTR, and he read the first three Bob Books. Another set of pages in HWT's Pre-K book. We worked a lot on the Memory game and memorization for math. I did get him a basic Kumon workbook on telling time, which he thought was fantastic. He got a new book this week which we read a few times - Seymour Simon's Stars.

Memorization-wise, EG has now memorized the first five poems and is working on the sixth. FB has the first down cold but still stumbles on the second. I think he'll probably move on Monday or Tuesday.

Purple Child and FB both have well child visits this afternoon, since chorus and band don't start until after Labor Day.


This website was designed by Sam Rushing

"A little rebellion every now and then is a good thing." - Thomas Jefferson