
Back To HomeSchool 2009

Tomorrow is the official first day of our 2009-2010 school year! Eclectic Girl will be in 4th grade and Fabulous Boy will be doing pre-kindergarten work, largely at his insistence. We had a fun day on Friday - Daddy took a day of vacation from work - that included swimming and going to lunch at Henry's in Acworth. Yum! The kids have back-to-school cards sitting at their places at the table everything is ready for the new year.

This shelf is holding most of the biographies EG will be reading this year. She's studying 1850 to the present in history. The second shelf from the top is sunscreen and bug spray - this shelf is also right next to the door to the backyard!

This year's read-alouds. I select them, and her dad reads them at night. From left to right, Sing Down the Moon, Where the Red Fern Grows, The Hobbit, and The Hunt for Red October. Beside the books are the file boxes for the final two levels of All About Spelling.

Three of this year's science kits: on top, Adventures with Color and Light, then TOPS Magnetism, and finally TOPS Electricity.

The top shelf is this year's supplemental history books. The second shelf is this year's literature books.

Science books! EG is studying physics this year. The blue binder on the left is my Master Binder, or that without which I would be lost.

Notebooks for the year. On the far left, you can see EG's assignment book. Then we have Latin, English, Math, Physics, and History.

Inside the history notebook, there are 36 tabs, labeled 1-36 for each week. Each has a sheet like this inside, along with mapwork and other relevant papers:
Sample History Page for 1850-Present, Late Grammar Stage

Our storage system - Trofast from Ikea.

EG's desk, including her new planner and her new timer.

More science kits! Water Physics, Sound Vibrations, and Flight! From Gliders to Jets, all from Science in a Nutshell.

The last science kit: Physics Workshop, from Thames & Kosmos.

That's it - I think we're ready!


This website was designed by Sam Rushing

"A little rebellion every now and then is a good thing." - Thomas Jefferson